Tuesday, October 21, 2008

GotMercury.org: Calculate the mercury in your seafood choices

The good folks at the Turtle Island Restoration Network have harnessed mobile technology to help all of us determine whether the fish we eat is safe in regards to mercury levels. You may have read previous postings where I discussed this important issue and now, when you go to the market or out to to a restaurant, you can determine whether your seafood selection is a safe one by using the GotMercury calculator that can be accessed by many leading mobile devices at www.gotmercury.mobi.

You can also go to the GotMercury.org web site and type in your weight, your selected seafood and the amount, and then it will calculate whether your selection exceeds government standards for safety. Here's an example, if you decide you want to sit down to dine on 8 oz. of swordfish (as you might suspect, it's way over the limit):
Not only does this calculator help us to lead healthier lives, but it also brings home the issue of mercury poisoning in seafood - particularly in pelagics like sharks, swordfish, and tuna.